Transparency & Reporting

On May 14, 2009, Carlyle became a signatory to the Public Pension Fund Code of Conduct (the "Code"). Please click here for annual certifications.

Pursuant to the Code, Carlyle is providing information regarding the professional backgrounds of certain key Carlyle personnel (“Disclosure Persons”) and such information can be found under their individual biographies in the “Team” section of this website, or by clicking Disclosure Persons.

In addition, Carlyle is providing details of certain political contributions to candidates for state and local offices as well as certain federal contributions. Please click here for campaign contribution information.

Also pursuant to the Code, Carlyle is disclosing certain fees and expenses that have been paid on an aggregate basis with respect to investment funds to which U.S. public pension funds have committed since the effective date of the Code and the form of disclosure provided to public pension funds in respect of their investment:

  • Fund Fees and Expenses
  • Form of Disclosure

Carlyle is a member of the Bundesverband Deutscher Kapitalbeteiligungesellschaften (BVK), the German private equity and venture capital trade association. Carlyle believes that it is fully compliant with the voluntary BVK Guidelines for Disclosure and Transparency and that our German portfolio companies, including HC Starck and the Puccini Group, will comply with the BVK Guidelines as and when the guidelines apply to them. Click here to read more.

In the UK Carlyle voluntarily complies with the Private Equity Reporting Group (PERG) Guidelines for Disclosure and Transparency in Private Equity. Carlyle’s disclosure can be found here: Walker Guidelines

English: Carlyle’s affiliated entity, TCG Gestor Ltda., is subject to the regulation of the Brazilian Securities Commission ("CVM"), including, but not restricted to CVM Rule 558, which regulates asset management activities in Brazil. Among other things, CVM Rule 558, requires TCG Gestor Ltda. to post on its website its Disclosure Documents and certain policies required by applicable by law. Below are links to the required documents in Portuguese.

The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only and do not constitute offering of any product. TCG Gestor Ltda. does not sell or distribute investment fund units or any other financial assets. The funds managed by TCG Gestor Ltda. are distributed by institutions duly authorized by both the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) and the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) for the exercise of such activity. READ THE FUNDS BY-LAWS AND PROSPECTUSES CAREFULLY BEFORE INVESTING IN THE FUNDS MANAGED BY TCG GESTOR LTDA.

Portuguese: A TCG Gestor Ltda. é uma entidade filiada ao Carlyle sujeita à regulação da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (“CVM”), incluindo, mas não se limitando à Instrução CVM n.º 558, que regula as atividades de gestão de recursos no Brasil. Além de outros requisitos, a Instrução CVM n.º 558 exige que a TCG Gestor Ltda. publique em seu website o seu Formulário de Referência e determinadas políticas exigidas pela regulamentação aplicável. Abaixo estão os links dos documentos em português.

  • TCG Gestor - Formulário de Referência
  • TCG Gestor - Código de Ética
  • TCG Gestor - Política de Gerenciamento de Informações Confidenciais e Ne
  • TCG Gestor - Política de Gestão de Riscos
  • TCG Gestor - Código de Ética e Conduta Empresarial
  • TCG Gestor - Política de Avaliação e Distribuição de Ordens de Investime

As informações contidas neste website são de caráter exclusivamente informativo e não configuram oferta de qualquer produto. A TCG Gestor Ltda. não comercializa nem distribui cotas de fundos de investimento ou qualquer outro ativo financeiro. Os fundos geridos pela TCG Gestor Ltda. são distribuídos por instituições devidamente habilitadas e autorizadas pelo Banco Central do Brasil e pela CVM para o exercício de tal atividade. LEIA O PROSPECTO E O REGULAMENTO ANTES DE INVESTIR NOS FUNDOS GERIDOS PELA TCG GESTOR LTDA.

Japanese: Pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan, effective as of March 1, 2016, a person who has submitted a notification regarding Specially Permitted Businesses for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc. is required to make available to the public certain information. Information on the following entities can be obtained upon request:

  1. CGIOF GP, L.L.C.
  2. Carlyle GMS Structured Credit GP, L.L.C.
  3. CAGP V, L.L.C.
  4. CAP IV, L.L.C.
  5. Carlyle Japan II Ltd
  6. Carlyle Japan III, Ltd
  7. Carlyle Japan Limited
  8. Carlyle Property Investors GP, L.L.C.
  9. CASCOF, L.L.C.
  10. CGH, L.L.C.
  12. TC Group CEMOF II, L.L.C.
  13. TC Group CSP IV, L.L.C.
  14. TC Group VI, L.L.C.
  15. TC Group VI-F, L.L.C.

If you would like to obtain information, please send an email to

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The Carlyle Group strives to provide individuals with disabilities with equal access to its programs and activities, including through an accessible website. If you have questions, comments, or encounter any difficulty in using this site, please e-mail or call +1 202 729 5626.